ACLU Survey and Reports
Obama Administration - how's it doing?


  ACLU Survey and Report

Obama Administration
How's it doing?


January 27, 2010

Dear ACLU Supporter,

Tonight, President Obama will address the State of the Union .

After one year of his presidency, we have reviewed the progress made on civil liberties . Of a set of 145 detailed recommendations the ACLU made to the new president upon his election, the administration has acted on just over one-third of them.

We'd like to know what you think about the state of civil liberties. Where has our government moved forward? Where have things slipped backwards? And what should be the top priorities now?

Your opinion helps strengthen our work when we meet with administration officials and members of Congress, in addition to helping the ACLU shape our agenda.

Share your thoughts. Take the State of Civil Liberties Survey now. Then, find out what others think.

Starting with bold executive orders to end torture and close the prison at Guantánamo, and continuing with positive actions in areas like open government and civil rights , the Obama administration has made some significant strides toward restoring civil liberties and the rule of law .

But in other areas, the administration has fallen short by allowing some of the Bush administration' s most troublesome practices to continue and by failing to take steps that would restore some very fundamental rights and values to American life.

We're at a pivotal point on so many crucial civil liberties issues . It's time for a national conversation about the state of freedom. That's why we'd like to hear what you think about the state of civil liberties.

Complete the survey now and find out what other ACLU supporters think. Then, share the survey with friends.

We're eager to hear from as many ACLU supporters as we possibly can. Thanks for telling us what you think.


Eric, Gerri, Lisa, Shannon, Suzanne and Jeremy

ACLU Online Team

P.S. You can read the ACLU's report on the Obama administration' s civil liberties record here.
Includes ACLU recommendations for action on the president's first day in office, during his first 100 days, and during his first year

P.P.S. You can download the 71 page pdf ACLU Report - America Unrestored here.
An Assessment of the Obama Administration’s Fulfillment of ACLU Recommended “Actions For Restoring America”