Los Angeles Citywide Alliance
of Neighborhood Councils


Forum - Saturday, March 15, 2003

  Los Angeles stakeholders will gather from all corners of the City for the next forum of the Alliance of Neighborhood Councils.

website address:

Representatives from DONE, BONC and a variety of City Departments will meet with Neighborhood Council stakeholders on Saturday, March 15, in the Faculty Center at Los Angeles City College on Vermont.

These forums, held every few months, have become an important part of the process of sharing current information about the emerging Neighborhood Councils and their relationships with the City.

Stakeholders from Certified Neighborhood Councils, some with elected Boards, mingle easily with those who represent groups still in the process of being formed at these forums, which are quickly becoming not-to-be-missed events.

The Alliance is a work in progress, as are the Neighborhood Councils it is intended to facilitate and support. The group has grown out of a partnership bringing the work of Richard MacMinn and Mark Seigel together with the long standing efforts of Noah Modisett and Bill Christopher, who serves as the President of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC).

The purpose of the Alliance is to:

open lines of communication between Neighborhood Councils all across to the City to share information and experiences;
to make available information regarding the legal framework, responsibilities, and possibilities to each and every Neighborhood Council, either in formation or Certified;
and to interface with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment on common issues which impact the Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils.

The invitation looks like this:

Dear Neighborhood Council Leader,

The next forum of the Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils will be held Saturday, March 15th, at 9:30 am in the Faculty Lounge at LA City College, just off Vermont Avenue, a block north of Melrose.

The agenda and directions to the site are posted at .

The meeting will feature a discussion with Councilman Jack Weiss about Neighborhood Councils and the make-up of the new the City Council.

The meeting will also have an "open mike" session for discussion of a variety of NC topics, including Teamwork LA (the Mayor's initiative to re-organize city departments into seven geographic service areas) and Early Notification.

Frank Martinez, Assistant City Clerk, will also be there to discuss how his department is implementing the placement of "Community Impact Statements" on City Council Agenda items. It is important that each neighborhood council understand how they will be able to put the official position of their NC directly onto the Council Agenda via the internet, for items that impact their community.

Every certified or forming NC should have one or more representatives attending the Alliance meeting, so we can all learn from our mutual experiences. Part of the program will focus on our mentoring program where established and certified NC's share experiences with organizing and forming groups in other parts of the City.

See you on the 15th,

The Steering Committee
Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils


visit the website at:
