Claudia Dunn
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment

Claudia Dunn
is the Assistant General Manager of DONE, the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.

During her presentation to the C-PAB Summit, she made the case for inclusion of the C-PABs in each Neighborhood Council. In her opinion, every neighborhood, and every stakeholder within them, benefits from taking part in the process of community based policing. This spirit of inclusion must be maintained throughout the City.

Ms. Dunn is a 21-year Los Angeles City Employee whose background spans a variety of community, policy and administrative arenas.

She has held positions within the City's Community Development Department and Housing Departments and was appointed the Los Angeles Police Commission's first Community Policing Implementation Coordinator, responsible for collaborating with the LAPD and community to implement a community-based style of policing and problem-solving.

Her last LAPD assignment was with LAPD recruitment.

DONE's Mission is to promote public participation in government and make government more responsive to local needs by facilitating the creation of neighborhood councils throughout the City of Los Angeles.

The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment has been formed to create these councils and to offer education, training and support to neighborhood councils once they are established.